• Safe for aromatic use

  • Safe for topical use

Oil Category: Blended oil

Affects these Body Systems: Emotional balance , Nervous system

Usage: Aromatic, Topical

Aroma: Lush, Sweet, Woody


  • Antidepressants
  • Sedative
  • Stimulation

The mixture Arise promotes feelings of inspiration and joy, helps a person overcome difficulties and challenges in life. Arouses joy, enthusiasm and optimism. It’s part of the Yoga set.
Use in ailments:
* Connection with higher self: diffusion; apply to the top of the head, the region of the heart, along the spine.
* Activity: by diffusion; apply to ankles, along the spine and on the feet.
* Insight, courage, and inner strength: by diffusion; apply on forehead, heart area, and feet.
* Lack of clarity, anxiety, overwhelmed: by difussion; apply on forehead, heels, or behind the ears.
* Depression, mood swings: by diffusion; apply on top of the head, the region of the heart, behind the ears, feet, and pulse points.
* Perfume: on pulse points, chest, behind the ears, and on the ankles.
Other uses: It can help in meditation, concentration, resolve, grounding, courage, yoga.

Psychological effects

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Effects on emotions

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Used in these recipes

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Can help with these ailments

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Oil attributes

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